Lazy Summer? Or Deconditioning?

The lazy days of summer combined with social distancing and modified community activity recommendations due to the coronavirus pandemic have led many people to reduce previously typical levels of physical activity. Gyms have been closed, races have been cancelled, and for many people exercising alone simply isn’t as much fun as a group run or yoga class. However, just as …

Why You Need a Physical Therapist on Your Healthcare Team

With health in sharp focus as a result of the pandemic, now may be a good time to look at the team of medical experts that you have in place and to see if there are any improvements you could make. You probably have a family doctor, dentist, and optometrist. Maybe you also have some specialist physicians, an acupuncturist, or …

Tips for Success with Work and School from Home

Here we are, in the 6th month of the US experience of the coronavirus pandemic.  Undoubtedly, even for those that have remained generally healthy throughout this time interval, the ongoing situation has been both a physical and a mental grind.  Best wishes to all as we continue to collectively find ways to support ourselves and each other! At Symmetry, we’ve …

Are Your Workouts Giving You What You Want?

Exercise has been shown to have a huge list of benefits and little to no downside. It’s common to hear that if exercise was a medication, it would be the greatest wonder-drug ever created. But “exercise” is a broad term that covers a lot of specific movements and activities, not all of which are right for everybody. Getting a program …

Physical Therapists Could Help Our Healthcare System Catch up From COVID-19

The widespread stay-at-home practice during the quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic has altered daily function in numerous ways.  Unfortunately, one of the side effects of staying in to slow the spread of coronavirus has been that other important existing physical and mental health issues have been “put on the back burner.”  Many routine physician appointments and medical tests and procedures …

Current Updates from Symmetry Regarding Health & Safety

Health and safety are always primary concerns for both patients and medical providers.  As more information develops regarding the COVID-19 virus in particular, “best practice” guidelines are changing and adapting.  Symmetry is tracking ongoing research and public policy guidelines as the pandemic situation remains fluid, and will continue to provide our community with updated information as it becomes available. During …

Symmetry is Moving Soon – Sublease Space is Available

As you may already know, Symmetry is in the final phase of build out for our new office, located across the street from our existing clinic.  We hope to move in August. This means that we are looking for a tenant to sublease our current suite. Please feel free to share this information with anyone that might be looking to …

Legislative Update: Medicare Changes Policy to Allow Telehealth for Physical Therapy

In breaking news, as of April 30th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have updated their policies to allow for physical therapy services through “telehealth” during the current public health emergency.  This shift means that seniors who are currently unable to access physical therapy care in person can request virtual care and expect that these services will be …

How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?

Most people know that physical activity is important. In fact, not getting enough exercise has been linked to illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and lung disease. So, the important question is not if you need to be doing some form of physical activity to protect against diseases like these, but how much is enough? …