Unparalleled Manual Therapy Services
If you are looking for a solution to chronic or acute pain here in Austin or Georgetown, manual therapy performed by the professionals at Symmetry can reduce inflammation and swelling, restore mobility, reduce pain and make you more relaxed.
A Hands-On Approach
The core of our care at Symmetry is hands-on treatment. Our expert therapists incorporate a wide variety of manual therapies into each patient’s session, including joint mobilization, soft-tissue release techniques, nerve mobilization, assisted movements and stretching and high-velocity manipulations.
Symmetry’s therapists utilize manual therapy for a range of conditions, such as:
• Back and neck pain
• Chronic and migraine headaches
• Sciatica and associated leg pain
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• "Frozen” shoulder
• Plantar fasciitis
• Tendonitis
Enabling joints and muscles to move without restriction allows the body to attain optimal mobility. Restoring normal movement in an area that has been too loose or too stiff also has a significant impact on decreasing pain.
In addition, manual therapy can:
• Reduce pain and swelling
• Promote enhanced movement and mobility
• Improve physical function
• Remove activity limitations
• Induce relaxation
Physical therapy research confirms that the use of manual therapy generates good treatment results, particularly when combined with specifically designed programs of activity and movement. We utilize this best practice as the basis for virtually all of our patient care and carefully track progress towards your goals.
Many of our patients spend part of the time during their therapy visits performing a set of exercises, while another portion of the appointment is dedicated to manual therapy. During this time, a Symmetry physical therapist will use his or her hands to manipulate joints and put pressure on specific muscle tissue to reduce pain, improve flexibility and correct joint dysfunction. Although some of these techniques might sound like massage, manual therapy is more targeted to address a specific mechanical problem.
In some cases, Symmetry therapists will use a technique called trigger point dry needling as part of a larger set of manual therapy techniques to help to control pain symptoms and speed up the rehabilitation process. This research-based intramuscular therapy involves inserting thin, sterile needles underneath the skin to target taut bands of tissue that cause pain. Stimulating a trigger point in this manner can relax the irritated tissue, as well as improve local oxygen supply, thereby helping the tissue to heal.
The dry needles used in physical therapy treatment do not contain medication, nor are they used in the same manner as in acupuncture. Patients that have had a dry needling treatment can experience reduced pain levels and decreased muscle tension both at the site of the trigger point as well as other areas experiencing related discomfort.
“I went to Julie for shoulder, tailbone, knee and foot pain. Julie and the program she designed for me worked miracles. I'm pain free in all areas. Julie and her office staff are friendly, welcoming and professional. If you need PT, I highly recommend Julie at Symmetry Physical Therapy.”
- Sandra B.
Benefits of Manual Therapy

Restore Functional Movement
You may have forgotten what it felt like to experience fluid movement without stiffness or discomfort. After targeted manual therapy treatments, you can regain range of motion, improve posture and flexibility and return to the activities you enjoy.

Decreased Pain and Medication Use Careful manipulation of restricted joints and tense muscles can minimize acute and chronic pain. Symmetry’s skilled therapists help reset muscles to an optimal level of tension, relieving aches and soreness and often making pain medication unnecessary.

Improved Quality of Life
A well-conceived treatment plan, including exercise, manual therapy and stretching, prevents pain from returning and allows patients to fully participate in a range of activities. Increased independence and control are key ingredients in maintaining optimal health.