Health and safety are always primary concerns for both patients and medical providers. As more information develops regarding the COVID-19 virus in particular, “best practice” guidelines are changing and adapting. Symmetry is tracking ongoing research and public policy guidelines as the pandemic situation remains fluid, and will continue to provide our community with updated information as it becomes available.
During the early days of Austin’s “Stay Home, Work Safe” period, Symmetry published this post, detailing specific ways in which the clinic has been working to maintain a clean and protected environment for patients and staff. We continue to operate according to those procedures – cleaning sanitizing, optimizing space, and practicing healthy habits.
As further study is underway about the transmission patterns of COVID-19, a consensus has evolved that increased air flow can help to decrease risk of illness – particularly in conjunction with other strategies such as physical distancing and utilization of face masks when in close contact with others. In accordance with this data, we’ve added a new feature to our clinic. Symmetry is now utilizing free standing Blue Air Purifiers with HEPA filter technology in the clinic to filter and recirculate air several times each hour. (HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air – filters that trap over 99% of air particles of 0.3 microns in size.) We are also following the CDC-recommended “best practice” of running the clinic’s central built-in ventilation system both when the clinic is occupied and unoccupied so as to maximize “dilution ventilation.” (This practice reduces the concentration of possible contaminants in the air by constantly moving air through both portable and central filters so that clean air proportions are maximized.) Using these systems in combination with multiple other health screening and facility sanitizing measures, we are working hard to keep our clinic safe and healthy for our clients and our staff!

As a reminder, here are some guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding appropriate screening procedures for possible illness:
- Have you or anyone with whom you’ve had contact been ill within the last 14 days?
- Have you experienced fever, loss of taste or smell, or new-to-you coughing, muscle pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of fatigue over the last 14 days?
- Do you currently have a body temperature of 100.4 degrees or more?
If any of the answers to the questions above are “YES”, the safest plan is to isolate yourself until you have been symptom free for 14 days.
If you have been ill, the CDC recommends these guidelines for when it is safe to return to the community:
- If you think or know that you had COVID-19 and had symptoms, it is safe to be with others (according to current community guidelines) when:
- 3 days have passed without a fever
- Symptoms have improved
- It has been at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.
- If you tested positive for COVID-19 but had NO symptoms, it is safe to be with others (according to current community guidelines) when:
- 10 days have passed since the test
- If testing is available and you can have a retest, you can be around others after you have received 2 negative tests in a row that were administered at least 24 hours apart.
- If you are immunocompromised or are otherwise susceptible to illness, you should consult with your healthcare provider to determine when it is safe for you to be around others after illness or potential exposure to COVID-19.
If you have questions about any of Symmetry’s health and safety procedures, please feel free to ask. We also invite you to check out the CDC Website’s Coronavirus Resource page, or for more specific local information, the Travis County Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information site.