Those of you who have visited Symmetry intermittently through the years have shared with us the gradual growth and development of our practice. And those of you who have visited us recently have likely noticed that when the clinic is “hopping”, we’re fairly tight on space. We appreciate all of you coming in to allow the Symmetry Team to assist you in maintaining or recovering a healthy musculoskeletal system. We consistently strive to provide top notch orthopedic manual physical therapy and exemplary customer care, and the clinic’s growth – which we hope indicates that the community feels that they are receiving good value from our service – is a huge compliment from all of you!
We’ve been working on and considering various options for the expansion of Symmetry’s physical space throughout the Spring and Summer. We are pleased to announce that we’ve made arrangements to move into a larger space in the currently-being-constructed Park Bend Medical Office Building – right across the street from our current office. We hope to make the move sometime in the Summer of 2020. In this expanded space we will be able to better accommodate patients working with all 4 of Symmetry’s physical therapists without having to juggle hours,treatment tables, and equipment. We’ll also get to install some new “toys”, including:
- A rock climbing Hang Board to augment therapy for athletes recovering from elbow, wrist, hand, and finger injuries.
- Netting to allow space for swinging & throwing & kicking for folks working back towards athletic activities such as golf, baseball/softball, or soccer.
- Additional Pilates equipment for Spine Rehab & individual or small-group Pilates training and exercise classes.
- A “lab space” for Vision & Balance therapy for patients with headaches, balance issues, or concussion injuries. Performance training, incorporating dynamic visual skills and agility / reaction time drills will also be possible for injured or uninjured folks of all ages seeking to improve their balance and movement efficiency.
Currently, the building “shell” is being constructed. Below is a digital rendering of what the building is going to look like several months down the road. (The photo above is from the recent building “Ground Breaking” event.) We’ll keep you posted as the building progresses. We’re very excited about these plans!